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"To see that little girl pouring tea when there's company, and Mrs Nasmyth not sitting down. It's ridiculous." "I wouldn't do so for the President!" "Well, they seem to think everything of her," said Miss Pettimore, speaking for the first time in this connection. "Why, yes, she does just what she has a mind to about house. And the way them children hang about her, and fuss over her, I never see.

"He hain't got a horse, and I've heard say, that deacon Fish charges him six cents a mile for his horse and cutter, whenever he has it. He couldn't afford to ride round much at that rate, on five hundred dollars a year." This bold speech was ventured by Miss Rebecca Pettimore, Mrs Captain Liscome's help, who took turns with that lady, in attending the sewing-circle. There was a moment's silence.

Now, what I want to know is if religion is the powerful thing it is called, why don't it keep folks that have it, from making such mistakes in life?" Janet did not have her answer at her tongue's end, and Sampson did not give her time to consider. "Now there's Becky Pettimore, she's got religion. But it don't keep her from being as sour as vinegar, and as bitter as gall "

But on the whole, it is believed that, in his heart, Deacon Fish will not repine while the grain grows and the markets prosper. Becky Pettimore has got a home of her own, and feels as if she knows how to enjoy it. And so she does, if to enjoy it means to pick her own geese, and spin her own wool, and set her face like a flint against the admission of a speck of dirt within her own four walls.

Now, he hardly ever lost a Sunday, besides going sometimes to conference meetings, and making frequent visits to the minister's house. The rest rejoiced too. There was a murmur of dissent from Miss Pettimore, but it passed unnoticed, as usual.