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They in the drama find no joys, But doat on mimicry and toys; Thus, when a dance is on my bill, Nobility my boxes fill; Or send three days before the time To crowd a new-made Pantomime. Garrick's success, however, was, I am of opinion, undoubtedly owing to his being such a clever Pantomimist.

She, also, has a story, which you doubtless have been recalling as you read. Is it worth while to repeat even its outlines? This charming regal woman was the daughter of the keeper of the bears in the circus at Constantinople; and she early went upon the stage as a pantomimist and buffoon.

But the power of the mummer lies in the illusion he creates; if he does not create illusion, as Craig did not for Margaret, he becomes mere pantomimist and mouther.

'This is Mr Lenville, who does our first tragedy, Mr Johnson, said the pantomimist. 'Except when old bricks and mortar takes it into his head to do it himself, you should add, Tommy, remarked Mr Lenville. 'You know who bricks and mortar is, I suppose, sir? 'I do not, indeed, replied Nicholas.

I'll get that name by heart. He had muttered it over to himself some twenty times, when a loud knock at the door disturbed him from his occupation. Before he could open it, Mr Folair, the pantomimist, thrust in his head. Mr Folair's head was usually decorated with a very round hat, unusually high in the crown, and curled up quite tight in the brims.