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Out of the midst of these leaves grew the pannicles, or flower-spikes, and the bunches of small, nut-like fruit. Now the strangest part of Humboldt's account was, that this individual tree was known to the Spaniards on their first discovery of the Canary Islands more than four centuries ago and that from that time to the present it has increased scarcely perceptibly in dimensions.

Yes; there was the thick, stout trunk, all gnarled and knotted with the marks of where the leaves had once grown there were the short, clublike branches, separating from each other at the head at the blunt ends of each were the fascicles of bayonet-shaped leaves, and the pannicles of greenish-white flowers all exactly as in the picture!

Gilbert got specimens of the blue kangaroo, and several small new quadrupeds one of them apparently a true rat, almost as large and mischievous as the Norway rat. On the way I found a species of the common poison which I had not seen before, and a beautiful Conospermum, with pannicles of blue flowers varying to white.

The sight of a flock of Snow-Buntings descending, like a shower of meteors, upon a field of grass, and eagerly devouring the seeds contained in its drooping pannicles that extend above the snow-drifts, of a company of Crows rejoicing with noisy sociability over some newly-discovered feast in the pine-wood, of the party-colored Woodpeckers winding round the trees and hammering upon their trunks, all these, and many other sights and sounds, are associated with our ideas of the happiness of these creatures; and while our benevolent feelings are thus agreeably exercised, the objects that cause our emotions add a positive charm to the dreary aspects of winter.