United States or Tuvalu ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

R.F.O.G.'s-personified sounds, correct and inevitable to sight and hearing in a word, those proper forms of stained-glass beauty, which our over-drilled mechanisms-boy-choirs are limited to.

When does the unhappy pupil teacher, or over-drilled student of a training college, find any time to think? I am sure if I were in their place I could not. I repeat, that kind of thing will not do for science teachers. For science teachers must have knowledge, and knowledge is not to be acquired on these terms. The power of repetition is, but that is not knowledge.

For seven months we did the same old squad-drill every day, at the same time, on the same old square, until at last we all began to be unbearably "fed up." The sections became slack at drill because they were over-drilled and sickened by the awful monotony of it all. During those seven dreary months, in that dismal slum-grown town, we learnt all the tricks of barrack-life.

Seeing, then, that the last fifteen years of the nineteenth century in Europe were almost barren of great formative movements such as had ennobled the previous decades, we may well leave that over-governed, over-drilled continent weltering in its riches and discontent, its militarism and moral weakness, in order to survey events further afield which carried on the State-building process to lands as yet chaotic or ill-organised.