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One kind of service might be less responsible than another kind, but that any service that was honest and useful could be unworthy was not in her creed. "No reason, of course," replied Katharine, who saw that she had offended Ethel. "Any way, her work is more than a nursemaid's work." "I should say it was," answered Ethel warmly; "she's taken several years' training to fit her for it.

"Why?" They had reached the sitting-room door by this time. Kitty opened it without ceremony and looked in. The room was empty. Having confided her granddaughter to the nursemaid's care, Mrs. Presty knocked at Catherine's bedroom door. "May I come in?" "Come in directly! Where is Kitty?" "Susan is putting her to bed." "Stop it! Kitty mustn't go to bed. No questions.

Dandy, the Scotch terrier, would renounce a romping ramble with us to keep watch over Baby Cecil when he was really a baby, and was only carried for a dull airing in the nursemaid's arms.

"Did you notice the nursemaid's look of terror? It was simply perfect!" "You have struck quite a new vein," I said. "To most of us Life and its pleasures seem like a mine that is nearly worked out." "Worked out!" exclaimed the Earl. "For any one with true dramatic instincts, it is only the Overture that is ended! The real treat has yet to begin.

The whole scene was so peaceful and ordinary that I got more dashed in spirits every second. It took all my resolution to stroll towards Trafalgar Lodge about half-past nine. On the way I got a piece of solid comfort from the sight of a greyhound that was swinging along at a nursemaid's heels.