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To him now, life seemed a shadow, day a white shadow; night, and death, and stillness, and inaction, this seemed like BEING. To be alive, to be urgent and insistent that was NOT-TO-BE. The highest of all was to melt out into the darkness and sway there, identified with the great Being. "The rain is coming in on us," said Miriam. He rose, and assisted her. "It is a pity," he said. "What?"

"Really, Roger," said she, when at last he meekly submitted his final copy, "for a boy of your age you are an uncommonly rough hand. Tom is a much more promising pupil than you." "I haven't promised you a bob an hour, though," rejoined that not-to-be- flattered genius, beginning to whistle.

I am quite sure that if the extermination of the tiger from the whole of India were possible, and the to-be or not-to-be were put to a vote of the sportsmen of India, the answer would be a thundering "No!" Says Major J. Stevenson-Hamilton in his "Animal Life in Africa:" "It is impossible to contemplate the use against the lion of any other weapon than the rifle."

You've got to do it. You've got to learn not-to-be, before you can come into being. 'But we have got such a conceit of ourselves that's where it is. We are so conceited, and so unproud. We've got no pride, we're all conceit, so conceited in our own papier-mache realised selves. We'd rather die than give up our little self-righteous self-opinionated self-will. There was silence in the room.