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All that time he would have had no justification for surprise if he had been attacked by a Spanish gunboat, and if the Spaniards had pushed on their Rapide the converted German liner the Normania she could have been handled to cut off the American reinforcements on the way to the camps of the little American army already landed.

You and the youngsters may stay as long as you please, but I will be back here September 1st unless the Normania breaks a shaft." "I wish we could go over on a German boat. I hate the Cunarders." "So do I, but we must land at Queenstown. We must put Sir Tom under the sod at that little castle out from Sligo. Then we can do Holland and Belgium, and have a week or ten days in London."

After two weeks in Holland, two in Belgium, and two in London, we were ready to turn our faces toward home. We took the train to Southampton, and a small side-wheel steamer carried us outside Southampton waters, where we tossed about for thirty minutes before the Normania came to anchor.

Hic est Guilfridus, belli dum vixit avidus: Cum gladio et lancea, Normania et quoque Francia Verbera dura dabat: per Turcos multum equitabat: Guilbertum occidit: atque Hierosolyma vidit. Heu! nunc sub fossa sunt tanti militis ossa, Uxor Athelstani est conjux castissima Thani. And this is the translation which the doggerel knave Wamba made of the Latin lines: "REQUIESCAT.