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I preferred Pierrefonds, with its gargoyles and its hard, carved chairs. I was glad Monsieur de Niewekerke went with us, for he was more interesting and did not go into so many details as Viollet-le-Duc. The restoration has progressed very much since the last time we were here, though far from being completed yet.

He is a very dangerous person, un vrai mangeur de coeur!" "I know, your Majesty," I answered, "and I expect to be brought back on a litter." She laughed and passed on. Monsieur Niewekerke looked pleasantly conscious and flattered as we walked to the dining-room, and I felt as if I was being led to the altar to be sacrificed like poor little Isaac.

In the huge hall Niewekerke told me the statues about the chimney were portraits of the wives of the preux chevaliers of that time. I thought the frescos of this hall were very crude in color; but Monsieur de Niewekerke said they were excellent copies of the ancient style of decoration. The castle is such a magnificent ruin one almost wishes that it was not restored.

All this made us very gay, and almost boisterous. Never before had the evening finished with such a burst of merriment, and we all retired, agreeing that the ball had been a great success, and that Monsieur de Laferriere could sleep on his laurels as soundly as we intended to sleep on our pillows. December 1st. Count Niewekerke offered me his arm for dejeuner this morning.