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Believe it, they see me truer than you do. I am a very simple person." Amilcare began to count upon his fingers, one hand meeting the other round Molly's caught waist. "The Borgia, the Count of Cavalcalupo, Oreste Colonna, Negroponte, three Bishops at Sesto, Bianca Maria, Cardinal Ascanio Sforza, Ordelaffi, Benti " She stopped him there with a hand on his mouth. "Pah, the horrible man!"

"Isn't there anyone else?" he blurted out, as she led the way towards the house. "I mean, any other chap with money?" "No one with as much. And then, he isn't so very bad, Tommy. He's good-natured. Think of Clandon, or Negroponte!" Her shudder was perfectly genuine. "But Pontefract is so thundering old!" She made no reply, and after a minute he went on: "What about Théo Joyselle?"

The highest dignitaries of the Order desired to favor him if he would amend his conduct, and they talked of appointing him Commander of the Order of Malta at Negroponte, or else Great Castellan at Amposta, but the incorrigible Don Priamo would not better his ways, and continued a libertine, crusty, fickle in disposition toward his companions, but a beloved hero to his brothers in arms, men of the ranks belonging to the Order, mere soldiers who could display over their cuirasses no other decoration than that of the half cross.

I remember well suddenly discovering such a Madonna, in a retired chapel in S. Francesco della Vigna at Venice, a picture I had never heard of, by a painter then quite unknown to me, Fra Antonio da Negroponte, a Franciscan friar who lived in the fifteenth century.

The picture itself, loaded now with jewellery, is apparently a work of the thirteenth century; but it is said to have been miraculously brought hither from Negroponte. It was found at Ardenza close by, by a shepherd, who carried it to Montenero, where, as I suppose, he lived; but just before he won the top of the hill it grew so heavy he had to set it down.