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However, in another poem he acknowledges that there is nothing more beautiful than a good woman: In cunctis quae dante Deo concessa videntur Usibus humanis, nil pulchrius esse putamus, Nil melius muliere bona, etc. Migne, vol. 80, p. 307. The sentiment is more fully developed in another poem Migne, vol. 80, p. 307: Femina causa fuit humanae perditionis; Qua reparatur homo, femina causa fuit.

Et quis, tandem, inquam, in muliere amorem conjugis sui religioni ac pietati anteponet quam continuò mandragoræ bibesse judicitur?" "But you, Callixines, observe that Penelope's love to her husband was always thus manifested. To this I answer, who but he that has habitually drunk Mandragora can prefer in a woman conjugal affection to piety?"

Pliny, Letters, ii, 20. Digest, xiv, 1 and 3 and 8 on the actio exercitoria and institoria. Cf. Codex, iv, 25, 4: et si a muliere magister navis praepositus fuerit, etc. CIL, xiv, 326. Martial, xi, 71. Apuleius, Metam., v, 10. Soranus, i, 1, ch. 1 and 2. E.g. Suetonius, Nero, 27. Carmina Priapea, 18 and 27. Ulpian, xiii, 1.

For instance, what declamation on the emptiness of human existence could be more impressive than Job's: Homo, natus de muliere, brevi vivit tempore, repletus multis miseriis, qui, tanquam flos, egreditur et conteritur, et fugit velut umbra. It is for this very reason that the na�ve poetry of Goethe is so incomparably greater than the rhetorical of Schiller.

To the question "Quid muliere levius?" the scandalous Latin writer answers "Nihil," for which I would suggest "Niger." He knew something of Portuguese; and, having been employed by the French factory, he had scoured the land far and wide in search of "emigrants."