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I raised my peaked motor-cap, as our eyes met. I thought I detected a curiously timid glance in them, for in an instant she dropped her gaze. That she was an intimate friend of the Count was shown by the instructions he gave her. "You two walk along the Promenade des Anglais, and I'll meet you at the other end, by the Hôtel Suisse. I'll take the car myself on to the garage."

"Say, gimme the saw, Ann, and you get the fodder and things to put in the bottom of them to keep them from smashing as they come," said Matthew, as he flung off his coat, jammed his motor-cap on the back of his head, and took the saw from my unresisting hand.

He took his motor-cap from the hall-table, and had his hand on the latch of the door, when the policeman in charge of it said, "I beg your pardon, sir, but have you M. Guerchard's permission to leave the house?" "M. Guerchard's permission?" said the Duke haughtily. "What has M. Guerchard to do with me? I am the Duke of Charmerace." And he opened the door.

I don't know anything nothing about books or pictures or music or plays. Why on earth should they want to talk to me? Hardly any of them did twice, unless it was those who thought I was pretty and wanted to flirt with me. I felt such a fool!" She was almost in tears. Her pretty face under its white motor-cap was flushed; she twisted her gloves in her slender hands.

Quickly she opened it, and drew out a lady's motor-cap and veil with a talc front, and a big, heavy, fur-lined coat. For a moment she looked at them in hesitation.