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I dreamed that I woke up, and feeling a weight on the bed beside me turned to learn what it was, and saw there the body of my brother, Pharaoh, in his death-wrappings " "As I saw him in the ball," broke in Merytra. "Did he pelt you also, O Abi?" "Nay, Woman, he did worse, he spoke to me.

And then, what will happen to me?" Evidently Kaku did not know, for he rose and stood opposite to her, scratching his lean chin and smiling in a sickly, indeterminate fashion that enraged Merytra. "Cease grinning at me like an ape of the rocks," she said, "and tell me, what is to be the end of this evil business?" "Why trouble about ends, Fair One?" he asked.

Neter-Tua hid her eyes for a while, and leaned against the wall, then she drew herself up and said: "Call the physicians and the members of the Council, and those who can be spared of the officers of the guard, that everyone of them may see and bear witness to the hideous crime which has been worked against Pharaoh by his brother, the Prince Abi, and the wizard Kaku, and their accomplice, the woman Merytra."

Now if I help you, Kaku, what am I to get?" "Me," he answered. "I am flattered, but what else?" "After Pharaoh the greatest place and the most power in Egypt, as the wife of Pharaoh's Vizier." "The wife? Doubtless from what I have heard of you, Kaku, there would be other wives to share these honours." "No other wife upon the oath, none, Merytra."