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I am not fit for your roomful of ministers and learned men and pretty women: the former would think me an ignoramus, and the latter what would afflict me much more a pedant.... Rather, if your Excellency really wants to show yourself and your children to your father's old protege of Mazzinian times, find a few days to come here next spring.

But he never indicated the political forces by which that result was to be brought about. The Italian invasion of Abyssinia in 1896 might have been represented either as a necessary stage in the Mazzinian policy of spreading the idea of nationality to Africa, or as a direct contradiction of that idea itself.

Several of them belonged to the Mazzinian party and would have been satisfied with nothing less than a democratic Republic and a United Italy. Others were Constitutional Monarchists and Liberals of various shades.

The anti-parliamentarian spirit and the moral spirit of syndicalism brought Italian socialists back within the Mazzinian orbit. Of great importance, too, was nationalism, a new movement then just coming to the fore.

The real "views" of the Duce are those which he formulates and executes at one and the same time. Is Fascism therefore "anti-intellectual," as has been so often charged? It is eminently anti-intellectual, eminently Mazzinian, that is, if by intellectualism we mean the divorce of thought from action, of knowledge from life, of brain from heart, of theory from practice.

Lucy's manner in comparison was like a cool and bracing air. 'And when she does kiss! Eleanor would say to herself 'it will be with all her heart. One can see that. Meanwhile Mrs. Burgoyne took occasional note of the Mazzinian literature that lay about.