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There was something irresistibly comical then about the Earl's bland theory that Fairholme House needed a sprightly viscountess, yet now, twenty-four hours later, he could extract no shred of humor from the idyl of a draper's assistant. It seemed to be a perfectly natural thing that these lovers should talk of mating.

On the fragile curve of a feathery bent a pair of Spotted Burnet moths were at their mating lovely creatures of the iridescent green of lapis-lazuli, their folded wings of greyer green decorated with splashes of purest crimson, their long glossy antennæ shining in the sunlight. Immobile they clung together for what must have been, in their measuring of time, hours of love.

Before Seyavi made baskets for the satisfaction of desire, for that is a house-bred theory of art that makes anything more of it, she danced and dressed her hair. In those days, when the spring was at flood and the blood pricked to the mating fever, the maids chose their flowers, wreathed themselves, and danced in the twilights, young desire crying out to young desire.

"My wife!" said the other bitterly. "She's above mating with such as I. But there's no reason why I should tell you about that." "That's true. And there's no reason why you should not. What harm can I do to you or to her?" The reddleman looked in the old man's face. "Well, sir," he said at last, "I knew her before today, though perhaps it would have been better if I had not.

If the well-dowered republican maid is often ambitious of union with a scion of the old European nobility, the usually needy German aristocrat is at least equally desirous of mating with an American heiress notwithstanding the vast differences in race-character, political sentiment, manners, and views of life and especially of the status and privileges of woman that must fundamentally separate the parties.

It is a foursquare structure of pregnancy, birth, fertilization, and mating, in the order named. They start with a concrete situation "Where did Mrs. Holmes get her baby?" and the three others follow in logical sequence. Of course, the pattern varies somewhat. Well, where did Mrs. Holmes get her baby?

Everybody would have a spoken language of his own; it would be sort of the instrumental accompaniment to the song." "Some of them don't bother speaking," Karl nodded. "They just toot." "I'll buy that, right away," Loughran agreed. "In mating, or in group-danger situations, telepathy would be a race-survival characteristic.

They pushed back the whole river-flood till the channel was dry, then let it rush down like the end of all things, and they shouted together: "Nana-bo-jou! Nana-bo-jou! Nana-bo-jou! Wake up!" But still he slept calmly on. Then came a soft, sweet voice, more gentle than the mating turtle of Miami.

That the males of many animals are apt to become quarrelsome during the mating period is notorious. Darwin collected a number of facts, many of which related to birds, showing the nature and extent of the strife when the sexual instinct dominated the situation.

Kazan moved toward her, and stood with his head over her back, facing the pack. He felt her trembling against his chest. He looked at the moon and the stars again, the mystery of Gray Wolf and of the night throbbing in his blood. Not much of his life had been spent at the posts. Most of it had been on the trail in the traces and the spirit of the mating season had only stirred him from afar.