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Why, don't you know, your master and I were bosom friends, and lived together?... But where has he put up?" The servant intimated that Pechorin had stayed to take supper and pass the night at Colonel N 's. "But won't he be looking in here in the evening?" said Maksim Maksimych.

He gave me a rather insolent glance, straightened his cravat, and turned away. An Armenian, who was walking near him, smiled and answered for him that the "Adventure" had, in fact, arrived, and would start on the return journey the following morning. "Thank heavens!" said Maksim Maksimych, who had come up to the window at that moment.

I posted on, and he, on account of his heavy luggage, was unable to follow me. We had no expectation of ever meeting again, but meet we did, and, if you like, I will tell you how it is quite a history... You must acknowledge, though, that Maksim Maksimych is a man worthy of all respect... If you admit that, I shall be fully rewarded for my, perhaps, too lengthy story.

The horses were already put to; now and then the bell jingled on the shaft-bow; and the manservant had twice gone up to Pechorin with the announcement that everything was ready, but still there was no sign of Maksim Maksimych. Fortunately Pechorin was sunk in thought as he gazed at the jagged, blue peaks of the Caucasus, and was apparently by no means in a hurry for the road. I went up to him.