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"Now we shall soon have better times; many fine things will make their appearance again then, we shall see!" "Have you been to the machine-works this morning, father-in-law?" asked Pelle. "Yes, I've been there. But there is nothing more for the pickets to do. The employers have quartered all the men in the factory; they get full board and all there.

Then he put on his old working-clothes, made his face and head black, and made his way to the machine-works. The factory was in full swing now; they were working alternate shifts, day and night, with the help of interned strike-breakers, the "locked- in" workers, as the popular wit called them.

You might have thought that the huge machine-works would have made it twelve-thirty for good measure; but if so, you do not understand large scale production. And now, all of an instant and without warning, Jimmie's precisely ordered and habitual world came to an end. He was at his post when the whistle blew, but the machinery did not move.

During an unhappy disturbance of this sort in Hyde, Dukinfield, and the surrounding neighbourhood, the manufacturers of the district, anxious lest they should be driven from the market by the French, Belgians, and Americans, addressed themselves to the machine-works of Sharp, Roberts & Co., and requested Mr.

But Cassie was always on the watch for him and he could not escape from the machine-works without falling into one of her ambushes. She would carry him off to tea, and he never left without finding himself pledged to return in the evening. In his loneliness, hopelessness, and desolation he found it dangerously sweet to be thus petted and sought after.

"Now we shall soon have better times; many fine things will make their appearance again then, we shall see!" "Have you been to the machine-works this morning, father-in-law?" asked Pelle. "Yes, I've been there. But there is nothing more for the pickets to do. The employers have quartered all the men in the factory; they get full board and all there.

Then he put on his old working-clothes, made his face and head black, and made his way to the machine-works. The factory was in full swing now; they were working alternate shifts, day and night, with the help of interned strike-breakers, the "locked- in" workers, as the popular wit called them.

The winter had struck terrible blows; they dared not assume the responsibility for declaring war. In the "Denmark" machine-works the tension was of long standing.

The winter had struck terrible blows; they dared not assume the responsibility for declaring war. In the "Denmark" machine-works the tension was of long standing.

They were to have the use of some machine-works at Alexandroffsky; the labour of 500 serfs belonging to those works at low wages; and the privilege of importing coal, iron, steel, and other necessary articles, duty free. In this way a large supply of locomotives and carriages was manufactured, to the satisfaction of the emperor, and the profit of the contractors.