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The dancers were at rest, and Angie Fay too, the stewards serving them with refreshments; but Fluke and Gurdon were playing softly together on their violins, Fluke with waved hair on his forehead, Gurdon with still brow. Vesty had taken up her sleeping child and was holding him. The Basins loved sad music, low, mournful lullabys on the wind; they listened.

All he wanted was a bow, and I furnished that enough of the devil's resin to set him going and out would roll jigs, lullabys, fandangoes, serenades anything you wanted: anything to which his mood tempted him." Marny had settled into his chair now, and had stretched his fat legs toward the blaze, his middle distance completely filling the space between the arms.

They have songs for the Green Corn Dance; they have lullabys; and there is a doleful song they sing in praise of drink, which is occasionally heard when the white man has sold Indians whisky on coming to town. Knowing the motive of the song, I thought the tune stupid and maudlin. Standing I take thee. And walk until morning. Yo-wan-ha-de.

"Mother talked and dreamed of her absent son. In sleep she sang cradle lullabys and gently reproved her 'own little Ossie. For hours she would sit looking out of the window, expecting your return. "Without apparent cause came that fatal attack. After a few days the physician said there was no hope. His diagnosis revealed no malignant disease, but indicated a total collapse of vital forces.