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Lowboy's mouth began to droop at the corners; his eyes closed and round tears, like marbles, began to roll down his cheeks. Highboy hastened to offer him a handkerchief. "You musn't cry, you know," said Highboy, "or you'll warp yourself maybe even stain your varnish." "Then I'll abstain," said Lowboy, and was so pleased with his pun that he at once began to laugh.

But everybody's afraid of time, and Grandfather's Clock has all the time there is." When Hortense and Highboy entered, only the embers of the fire were left on the hearth in Grandmother's room. White Owl was wide-awake with staring eyes, but the Firedogs were evidently napping and Lowboy was sound asleep. "Hello," said Highboy, and at once Lowboy's eyes opened wide and both the Firedogs growled.

The image didn't deign to reply. "I wish I could make him talk," said Hortense aloud. Somebody snickered in the corner. "Sounds like Lowboy," said Hortense. Lowboy started to run for the door but collided with a chair. "I've scratched myself," said Lowboy. Hortense did not wait to console him. Instead, she ran to the newel post. "One, two, three for Lowboy!" she called. "Lowboy's It.

All-y all-y out's in free." Malay Kris crawled out from behind the clock, and the others appeared one by one. "Lowboy's It," said Hortense. Lowboy shut his eyes and began to count. Hortense seized Andy by the hand and ran with him up the stairs. "We'll hide in the attic," she whispered. Up and up they ran, softly opened the door to the attic, and hid behind a trunk in the corner.