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The members of her little party looked at her anxiously and ceased to laugh. The slide had evidently unsettled her mind. "Why, this is Miss Perkins Miss Lucinda Perkins of Locustwood, Ohio," explained Dick Benson to the officer, "She's rather upset by her tobogganing, and didn't understand you." "I did," declared Miss Lucinda, making mysterious signs to Dick to be silent.

It was not until Floss Speckert entered the senior class at Locustwood Seminary that this sublimated friendship suffered a jar. Floss's father lived in Chicago, and it was due to his unerring discernment in the buying and selling of live stock that Floss was being "finished" in all branches without regard to the cost.

Now that she had arrived In Chicago, three hours late, nervous and excited over her experiences, there was no one to meet her. A sense of homesickness rushed over her, and she decided to return to Locustwood. It was the same motive that might prompt a newly hatched chicken, embarrassed by its sudden liberty, to return to its shell.

She apparently fitted as perfectly into her little niche in the Locustwood Seminary for young ladies as Miss Joe Hill fitted into hers. The only difference was that Miss Joe Hill did not confine herself to a niche; she filled the seminary, as a plump hand does a tight glove.