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Never!"... Again Saltus demonstrates how completely he is master of the story-telling gift, how surely he possesses the power to compel breathless attention. "The Monster" is fiction, incredible, insane fiction. The monster is incest, in this instance inceste manqué because it doesn't come off. Leilah disappears and to put barriers between her and the man she loves becomes the bride of another.

Will not my face be whitened to all eternity? Shall your slave relate the loves of Leilah and Majnoun?" "No, no," replied the pacha; "something that will interest me." "Then will I narrate the history of the Scarred Lover." "That sounds well, Mustapha," observed the pacha. "Who can foresee so well as your sublime highness?" replied Mustapha.

When they saw or thought they saw a new admixture, they would shake their heads and say: "Such and such a river is now also in flood the Tigris will rise still further." On the night of April 24 we at length got our orders and at six o'clock the following morning we set out, prepared to run through to Ain Leilah. The country was indeed changed since I passed through six weeks before.

As we approached the hills they looked less bleak a soft green clothed the hollows, and the little oasis of Ain Leilah no longer stood out in the same marked contrast as when last I visited it. The roads were in good shape, and we reached camp at four in the afternoon. I took one of the tenders and set off to look up some old friends in the regiments near by.

Will not my face be whitened to all eternity? Shall your slave relate the loves of Leilah and Majnoun?" "No, no," replied the pacha; "something that will interest me." "Then will I narrate the history of the Scarred Lover." "That sounds well, Mustapha," observed the pacha. "Who can foresee so well as your sublime highness?" replied Mustapha.