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But Bob confided in his chum, Jack Larmore, an orphan boy of his own age. Jack was tremendously interested. "Say, Bob, I'll go along, if you say the word," he said. "I'm sick of Sea Cove and the mean folks living around here." "All right." That noon, when Bob returned home he found Captain Sumner present, talking to his mother. The captain had come to offer Bob a position on his yacht.

Ere he could reach the craft the madman picked up the long ice pole and aimed a vicious prod with it at our hero's breast. Bob was struck squarely, and on the instant disappeared beneath the surface with the shrill laugh of the crazy sailor ringing in his ears. "Where am I? Where are mother and Miss Viola?" It was Bob who spoke. Jack Larmore stood over him in the snow.

Cromwell said she would undertake the trip, and before they knew it, all arrangements were made. The Dart, as the yacht was named, was sent to San Francisco for stores, and three days later Bob and Mrs. Cromwell and Jack Larmore left Sea Cove, and left it forever!

Bob was filled with dismay at the dreadful ending of his chum. He had reached his gun to him, but Larmore had been unable to grasp it. He shuddered as he thought of Jack's feelings as he felt himself shooting over the precipice. There was nothing to do but to return. He found, lame as he was, the path extremely difficult. But at length he reached the yacht and told his story.

With his portion of the treasure Captain Cromwell purchased an interest in another ship, and to-day is fast regaining his lost financial position. Bob is with his father and Jack Larmore sticks to the pair. Captain Sumner has given up his roving life and has settled down with Viola as his housekeeper. His residence is but a short distance from that occupied by Mrs.