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"Good never came where Gottfried was!" and the while he donned a pair of silken hose, that showed admirably the proportions of his lower limbs, and exchanged his coat of mail for the spotless vest and black surcoat collared with velvet of Genoa, which was the fitting costume for "knight in ladye's bower," the knight entered into a conversation with the barber, who explained to him, with the usual garrulousness of his tribe, what was the present position of the noble family of Godesberg.

"My object in this journey is a happy marriage," she had told me when to my unworthy care her guardianship had been transferred. If I timorously suspected the marriage to be her own, whose fault was it but mine? My heart leaped up at the successive stages of this recital, its hopes confirmed by every additional fact: the Dark Ladye's hand was certainly free.

Through the long course of nearly two years the conviction that a time would come when he should once more meet the girl who had spoken to him from the Veiled Ladye's deck at Norfolk had strengthened inexplicably, until he had come to accept it as an assured fact. Was she aboard that yacht now? Aboard that laboring section of gingerbread, in the hands of incompetents and poltroons? Was she?

Lord Ronald strode over the stony floor, Not a hand was outstretched to stay; Lord Ronald has passed through the gaping door, Not an eye ever traced the way. And the ladye, left widowed, was prized above All the maidens in hall and bower, Many bartered their lives for that ladye's love, And their souls for that ladye's dower.

Lord Ronald strode over the stony floor, Not a hand was outstretched to stay; Lord Ronald has passed through the gaping door, Not an eye ever traced the way. And the ladye, left widowed, was prized above All the maidens in hall and bower, Many bartered their lives for that ladye's love, And their souls for that ladye's dower.