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They relapsed into silence and walked steadily on. Half the distance was covered when Jacky halted. "Will Golden Eagle stand 'knee-haltering, Bill?" "Yes, why?" "We'll 'knee-halter' 'em." Bill stood irresolute. "It'll be better, I guess," the girl pursued. "We'll be freer." "All right," replied Bill. "But," after a pause, "I'd rather you didn't come further, little woman there may be shooting "

I had come far and would have still further to go before I came across any habitation, and I was hard up for a lodging for the night. After off-saddling and knee-haltering my horse, I looked into the various rooms to see what sort of a man was the inhabitant.

Travelling five hours and halting at ten o'clock at a farmhouse that was still tenanted, and again travelling from half-past three until eight, they made about twenty-five miles the first day. Then they encamped at a spot where there was a small spring and consequently good feed for the horses, and knee-haltering them and taking off their saddles they turned them loose.

So he went back to where he had left his horse eating a little grass, and since it was too weak to carry him he led it, following Van Vooren's spoor backwards till in the evening he came to the ford of the Red River. Here he halted for the night, knee-haltering the horse, and leaving it loose to graze, though he himself had nothing to eat.