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On the lower ranges, and especially at Almora, it is nearly as common as in the plains. At most hill stations both species occur. The note of the ashy drongo differs considerably from that of the king-crow: otherwise the habits of the two species are very similar. Take thirty-three per cent. off the pugnacity of the king-crow and you will arrive at a fair estimate of that of the ashy drongo.

The thing in feathers of which he is afraid has yet to be evolved. Like the mediæval knight, he goes about seeking those on whom he can perform some small feat of arms. In certain parts of India he is known as the kotwal the official who stands forth to the poor as the impersonation of the might and majesty of the British raj." The king-crow is fairly abundant in the hills.

The latter looks like a king-crow with an unusually long tail, a king-crow of which the black plumage has worn grey like an old broadcloth coat. This is a small brown bird, striped and barred with black, which spends the day creeping over the trunks of trees seeking its insect quarry.

Very soon the first bluebird came flying over and warbled as he flew 'The spring is coming. The sun kept gaining, and early one day in the dark of the Wakening Moon of March there was a loud 'Caw, caw, and old Silverspot, the king-crow, came swinging along from the south at the head of his troops and officially announced

Several species of drongo or king-crow occur on the Nilgiris, but not one of them is sufficiently abundant to be numbered among the common birds of the hill stations. Of the warblers it may be said "their name is legion." So many species exist, and the various species are so difficult to differentiate, that the family drives most field ornithologists to the verge of despair.

The berries ripen in July and August, and at Naini Tal one rarely comes across a complete spike because the nuthatches pounce upon every berry the moment it is ripe. The king-crow is about the size of a bulbul, but he has a tail 6 or 7 inches long, which is gracefully forked. His whole plumage is glossy jet black.

Very soon the first bluebird came flying over and warbled as he flew 'The spring is coming. The sun kept gaining, and early one day in the dark of the Wakening Moon of March there was a loud 'Caw, caw, and old Silver-spot, the king-crow, came swinging along from the south at the head of his troops and officially announced,

Finn found that it was not deceived by the resemblance between an edible and an unpalatable Indian swallow-tailed butterfly, although the sharp king-crow was deceived by the likeness.

He loves to sit on a telegraph wire or other exposed perch, and thence make sallies into the air after flying insects. He is one of the commonest birds in India. His cheery call half-squeak, half-whistle must be familiar to every Anglo-Indian. As to his character, I will repeat what I have said elsewhere: "The king-crow is the Black Prince of the bird world the embodiment of pluck.

Among the latter the most prominent are the grey-necked crow, the koel, the myna, the king-crow and the magpie-robin. In the spring paradise flycatchers are very abundant. From Almora the road to the snowy range runs over an almost treeless rocky mountain called Kalimat, which rises to a height of 6500 feet. From Kalimat the road descends to Takula 16 miles from Almora.