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Thark agreed, somberly. "I know. Yet we cannot stop now. We have gone too far to fail." Movement at the Throne Room's great door attracted his attention. It was Underofficer Jamar and another of his Sanctioners, half carrying and half dragging a bound and bleeding prisoner toward him. Thark purred briefly, pleased.

He had clearly resisted till he could fight no more, yet despite his injuries and his obvious weakness he could barely stand he seemed to radiate an aura of quiet competence. Thark felt grudging respect. This human wasn't like the tourists and administrators he was all too familiar with. "How did you manage to capture him?" Thark asked the Sanctioners. Jamar answered.

Jamar had surpassed himself; the only thing left was to alert his crew and passengers for immediate takeoff. He did so, then fed full power to the null-gravs. There was no need to wait for clearance; this was a private field, one of his prerogatives as High Adept, and the Prowler, as his ship, had an automatic clearance superseding any other in this system save an Imperial Navy ship.

Jamar followed, stopping to raise the ramp and close the lock. Thark went on to the cockpit and secured himself in the pilot's seat, scanning his instrumentation. He was an accomplished pilot, and rather to his surprise he found that the pre-liftoff routine did ease his mood, even under such unpleasant circumstances. His ears went forward in satisfaction.

From jamar, the infinitive of "to eat," the regular conjugation should be jame, "I have eaten." From lillar, "to take," lille, "I have taken." Yet, some old gipsies say, as an exception, jayon and lillon. I am not acquainted with any other verbs which have preserved this ancient form.

"Greetings, Master Thark," the Sanctioner said. "Greetings, Underofficer Jamar. What is Prowler's status?" "Senior Adepts Valla and Kainor are already on board, as is the rest of my squad. The ship is ready for takeoff." "Excellent," Thark said. "Then we leave immediately. We have no time to waste." He hurried up the ramp into the ship.