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Endued with great energy, Jalasandha, O king, is one of thy foremost of Rathas. Born in Madhu's race, that slayer of hostile heroes, is prepared to cast away his very life in battle. Skilled in battle, that mighty-armed warrior, scattering the enemy's ranks before him, will fight in battle mounted on car or from the elephant's back. That best of kings, O monarch, is in my judgment, a Ratha.

And Duryodhana and Karna and the mighty Yuyutsu, and Duhsasana and Vikarna and Jalasandha and Sulochana, these and many other foremost of Kshatriya princes of great prowess, vied with one another in becoming the foremost in the attack. And the princes, riding in first class chariots and following the cavalry, entered the hostile capital, and proceeded along the streets.

Alas, what will the grandsire with blood-red eyes, that invincible hero who hath conquered the other world, tell me in the midst of the kings when he meets me? Behold that mighty bowman, Jalasandha, slain by Satyaki. That great car-warrior, that hero, came proudly to battle for my sake, prepared to lay down his life.

After the fall of even the heroic Srutayush, of also Jalasandha of Puru's race, and of king Srutayudha, the carnage did not still cease! After the fall of Bhurishrava, of Shalya, O Janardana, and of the Avanti heroes, the carnage did not still cease! After the fall of Jayadratha, of the Rakshasa Alayudha, of Bahlika, and of Somadatta, the carnage did not still cease!

And Duryodhana and Karna and the mighty Yuyutsu, and Duhsasana and Vikarna and Jalasandha and Sulochana, these and many other foremost of Kshatriya princes of great prowess, vied with one another in becoming the foremost in the attack. And the princes, riding in first class chariots and following the cavalry, entered the hostile capital, and proceeded along the streets.

All this seemed exceedingly wonderful. Taking up another bow, addressed Jalasandha, saying, "Wait, Wait!" Saying this much, the grandson of Sini deeply pierced Jalasandha on his broad breast with sixty arrows, smiling the while. And with another razor-faced arrow of great sharpness he cut off Jalasandha's bow at the handle, and with three more shafts he pierced Jalasandha himself.

With another sharp and well tempered broad-headed arrow, he cut off the bow of the Vrishni hero while the latter was drawing it. And then, O Bharata, smiling the while, the heroic ruler of the Magadhas pierced the bowless Satyaki with five keen shafts. The valiant and mighty-armed Satyaki, however, though pierced with many shafts by Jalasandha, trembled not in the least.

Then Jalasandha, casting aside that bow of his with an arrow fixed thereon, hurled a lance, O sire, at Satyaki. That terrible lance, passing through the left arm of Madhava in fierce battle, entered the earth, like a hissing snake of gigantic proportion. And his left arm had thus been pierced. Satyaki, of prowess incapable of being baffled, struck Jalasandha with thirty keen shafts.

Then Yuyudhana took up another bow capable of piercing everybody, large as a Sala-offshoot, and of twang resembling the roar of Indra's thunder, and filled with rage, stretched it and then pierced Jalasandha with a single shaft. And then Satyaki, that foremost one of Madhu's race, smiling the while, cut off, with a pair of razor-faced arrows, the two arms, decked with ornaments, of Jalasandha.

Then mighty Jalasandha taking up his scimitar and large shield made of bull's hide and decked with a hundred moons whirled the former for a while and hurled it at Satwata. Cutting off the bow of Sini's grandson, that scimitar fell down on the earth, and looked resplendent like a circle of fire, as it lay on the earth.