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Probably because they are proud of the fact that a former ruler of Jeypore was a generous patron of science, the chaprassis pilot you to the park given over to the apparatus of the celebrated Hindu astronomer and mathematician, Jai Singh.

Part melted away, and part was drawn away by the attraction of a mass meeting in the Mosque, where thirty-five thousand citizens were gathered to hear Hindu agitators preaching open rebellion from Mahommedan pulpits; and a handful of British police officers present on duty were being hissed and hooted, amid shouts of "Hindu-Mussalman ki jai!"

"The effect was instantaneous and tremendous, and from all the assembled multitude went up the loud acclaim 'Jai, jai, jai! There seemed to be not a dissentient in the throng. And a moment later the young prince was standing on the dais by his mother's side, one hand resting proudly on her shoulder. "Among the nobles there had hitherto been the silence of stupefaction.

"As a divine child yourself, you will enjoy the little ones in my school." "Whenever Father takes me, I will gladly go." A short time later the Ranchi VIDYALAYA was in gala array for the saint's promised visit. The youngsters looked forward to any day of festivity-no lessons, hours of music, and a feast for the climax! "Victory! Ananda Moyi Ma, ki jai!"

Those who succeeded threw themselves on the quivering carcase and with knives or bare hands tore pieces of still living flesh from it and thrust them into their mouths. Then, blooded to the eyes, they raised their reddened arms aloft, while from thousands of throats rang out the fanatical cry: "Kali Ma ki jai! They surged around the altar.

The light of intelligence flooded her face; her mind had returned to her, unmarred a radiant scintillance. "She is naming you 'Rana Jai' for the generations to come," Cadman interpreted. "She says no mortal man ever held the king of all serpents from his stroke ever delayed him from his chosen prey this thing they have seen you do. It is your tradition for the future.