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People who would shudder at brutal talk of the older fashion about the wrath of God listened with well-bred interest to a sermon on the personal characteristics of Jah. In the same way Mr. Furlong always referred to the devil, not as Satan but as Su or Swa, which took all the sting out of him. Beelzebub he spoke of as Behel-Zawbab, which rendered him perfectly harmless.

Elsa began to experience a sensation like that which attends the imagination of one in the clutch of a nightmare: she hung in mid-air: she could neither retreat nor go forward. Just before she retired she leaned over the rail, watching the reflection of the stars twist and shiver on the smooth water. Suddenly she listened. She might have imagined it, for at night the ears deceive. "Jah, jah!"

Then Greenwood's voice rose higher and higher, jubilant, triumphant in its closing lines, "Yea, amen! Let all adore Thee, High on thy eternal throne; Saviour, take the power and glory, Claim the kingdom for thine own. Jah Jehovah! Everlasting God come down." Greenwood's joyful enthusiasm was more than John could encounter at that hour. He did not stop to speak with him, but rode swiftly home.

Dose mans are murdered by Leyden," growled Houten. "He shall pay, jah! It iss on his bill." But despite the awful peril facing them, the little brown men over on the creek worked on as if with a definite aim beyond the mere destruction of a ship and the dispersing of her crew. Gradually the surface oil about the vessel thinned out and died, as if the supply had been suddenly cut off.