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"The smoke ascends no longer, Inkose; but we have seen the signal answered." "How so?" "Another smoke arose yet further off, and yet another, and beyond that another, till the word of the fire-makers was passed back even to the wide waters." "Then it was not Ngonyama who made the fire." "It was made by the enemy, Inkose." "Have you sent out spies?" "Of what use, lion's cub?

Then will Muata, the black one, fall on the rear and eat them up. So said the chief." Compton tamed to the headmen. "Where are the white chiefs?" "We do not know, Inkose," they said uneasily. "Ye will take the orders of your chief yourselves then, for unless my brothers are restored in safety, I will not help you."

"The chiefs white men," was the cry that rose, that reached Mr. Hume as he fought coolly, warily, in a crisis of the battle, knowing that, if he gave back an inch, the men behind him would bolt, and Hassan's horde would swarm into the valley. "Hurrah, my brave lads!" he roared. "You there behind, meet the white men and lead them up to the place where I first stood." "Yebo Inkose!

"Maybe," said a man in a whisper, "the wizards have taken them to themselves to learn wisdom." "Who are these wizards?" demanded Compton, sternly. "Haw! Inkose, how shall we know?" But their eyes went fearfully to the silent walls of the gorge. "Who does know?" "We know not, Inkose. These things are not for us." "I know;" and Compton eyed them sternly. "It is a woman who is chief in this place.