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For him, the labours of von Baer, of Rathke, of Coste, and their contemporaries and successors in Germany, France, and England, are non-existent: and, as Darwin "imagina" natural selection, so Harvey "imagina" that doctrine which gives him an even greater claim to the veneration of posterity than his better known discovery of the circulation of the blood.

For him, the labours of von Baer, of Rathke, of Coste, and their contemporaries and successors in Germany, France, and England, are non-existent: and, as Darwin "imagina" natural selection, so Harvey "imagina" that doctrine which gives him an even greater claim to the veneration of posterity than his better known discovery of the circulation of the blood.

Le chapitre des mots d'enfants est fort étendu. J'en cueille quelques-uns au hasard: Voici un trait d'Alexandre de Battenberg, alors qu'il était tout jeune encore. Manquant d'argent de poche, il imagina d'écrire

For him, the labours of Von Baer, of Rathke, of Coste, and their contemporaries and successors in Germany, France, and England, are non-existent; and, as Darwin "imagina" natural selection, so Harvey "imagina" that doctrine which gives him an even greater claim to the veneration of posterity than his better known discovery of the circulation of the blood.

For him, the labours of Von Baer, of Rathke, of Coste, and their contemporaries and successors in Germany, France, and England, are non-existent: and, as Darwin "imagina" natural selection, so Harvey "imagina" that doctrine which gives him an even greater claim to the veneration of posterity than his better known discovery of the circulation of the blood.

"It wouldn't do at all." "I should think not! I'm glad," continued Hedrick, truthfully, "that idea's out of your head! I believe Laura imagined the whole thing anyway." "Have you looked at her mattress," inquired Cora, "darling little boy?" He gave her a concentrated look, and rose to leave. "Nothin' on earth but imagina " He stopped with a grunt as he forgetfully put his weight on his left leg.

Hayton, roi d'Arménie; avoit été dépouillé de ses états par les Sarrasins. Il imagina d'aller solliciter les secours des Tartares, qui en effet prirent les armes pour lui et le rétablirent. Ses négociations et son voyage lui parurent mériter d'être transmis