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Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1911, xvi, 405 pp., plates, maps, plans, 8°. Preliminary Report of the Yale Peruvian Expedition. Bulletin of American Geographical Society, XLIV, 20-26, January, 1912. The Ascent of Coropuna. Harper's Magazine, CXXIV, 489-502, March, 1912. Illus. Vitcos, The Last Inca Capital. Proceedings of American Antiquarian Society, XXII, N.S., 135-196. April, 1912.

Conn. Academy Arts and Sciences, XXV, 1-92, April, 1921. 21 pl., map. The Composition, Structure and Hardness of some Peruvian Bronze Axes. American Journal of Science, XXXIV, 128-132, August, 1912. Illus. Herbert E. Gregory: The Gravels at Cuzco. American Journal of Science, XXXVI, No. 211, 15-29, July, 1913. Illus., map. The La Paz Gorge. Ibid., XXXVI, 141-150, August, 1913. Illus.

Proceedings of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, LXV, 505-507, September, 1913. 1 pl. Amphibians and Reptiles from Southern Peru Collected by Peruvian Expedition of 1914-1915. Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, LVIII, 609-620, 1921. Hiram Bingham: The Ruins of Choqquequirau. American Anthropologist, XII, 505-525, October, 1910. Illus., 4 pl., map. Across South America.

Journal of Heredity, x, 176-181, April, 1919. Illus. Polar Bear Cacti. Journal of Heredity, Washington, D.C., VIII, 113-120, March, 1917. Illus. William H. Dall: Some Landshells Collected by Dr. Hiram Bingham in Peru. Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, XXXVIII, 177-182, 1911. Illus. Reports on Landshells Collected in Peru in 1911 by The Yale Expedition. Smithsonian Misc.

Know that the great lord and illus- trious Kni8ht, SIR SAGRAMOR LE DESIROUS having condescended to meet the King's Minister, Hank Mor- gan, the which is surnamed The Boss, for satisfgction of offence anciently given, these wilL engage in the lists by Camelot about the fourth hour of the morning of the sixteenth day of this next succeeding month.

Journal of Washington Academy of Sciences, VI, No. 4, 86-90, 1916. Agriculture and Native Vegetation in Peru. Ibid., VI, No. 10, 284-293, 1916. Illus. Staircase Farms of the Ancients. National Geographic Magazine, XXIX, 474-534, May, 1916. Illus. Foot-Plow Agriculture in Peru. Smithsonian Report for 1918, 487-491. 4 pl. Domestication of Animals in Peru.

A Geographical Sketch of Titicaca, the Island of the Sun. Bulletin of American Geographical Society, XLV, 561-575, August, 1913. 4 pl., map. Geologic Sketch of Titicaca Island and Adjoining Areas. American Journal of Science, XXXVI, No. 213, 187-213, September, 1913. Illus., maps. Geologic Reconnaissance of the Ayusbamba Fossil Beds. Ibid., XXXVII, No. 218, 125-140, February, 1914. Illus., map.

Churchill's first great presentation of the Eternal Feminine, is throughout a profound study of a fascinating young American woman. It is frankly a modern love story. MR. CREWE'S CAREER. Illus. by A. I. Keller and Kinneys.

Collections, LIX, No. 14, 12 pp., 1912. Harrison G. Dyar: Results of Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911. Lepidoptera. Proceedings of U.S. National Museum, XLV, 627-649, 1913. George F. Eaton: Report on the Remains of Man and Lower Animals from the Vicinity of Cuzco. American Journal of Science, XXXIII, No. 196, 325-333, April, 1912. Illus. Vertebrate Remains in the Cuzco Gravels.

Proceedings of Nineteenth International Congress of Americanists, Washington, D.C., pp. 253-260, December, 1915. Further Explorations in the Land of the Incas. National Geographic Magazine, XXIX, 431-473, May, 1916. Illus., 2 maps. Evidences of Symbolism in the Land of the Incas. The Builder, II, No. 12, 361-366, December, 1916. Illus. Lake Parinacochas and the Composition of its Water.