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"What!" speedily shouted Li Kuei, "does this son of a dog happen to know of the existence of all these gnawing maggots?" Pao-yue gave a sardonic smile. "I was wondering whose relative he was," he remarked; "is he really sister-in-law Huang's nephew? well, I'll go at once and speak to her."

Poland had seen the man talking to Huang's daughter, at the end of the alley which leads to the place. He seemed to attach extraordinary importance to this fact. At last: "I'll tell you what it is," he said. "That Chink was a stranger to Limehouse; I can swear to it. He was a gent of his hands; I reckon they've got 'em in China as well as here.

No-cha is one of the most frequently mentioned heroes in Chinese romance; he is represented in one account as being Huang's shield-bearer, sixty feet in height, his three heads with nine eyes crowned by a golden wheel, his eight hands each holding a magic weapon, and his mouth vomiting blue clouds.

I agreed that it looked very suspicious, and presently: "When I went in with Cohen," continued Poland, "I knew one thing he didn't know a short cut into the warehouse. He's been playing pretty-like with Lala, old Huang's daughter, and it's my belief that he knew where the store was hidden; but he never told me.

In order to keep him occupied, Sun was appointed Grand Master of the Heavenly Stables, and was entrusted with the feeding of Huang's horses; his official celestial title being Pi-ma Wên. Later on, learning the object of the creation of this derisory appointment, he overturned the Master's throne, seized his staff, broke down the South Gate of Heaven, and descended on a cloud to Hua-kuo Shan.

Now I am going to send him in person to visit you." A little while after his ancestor T'ai Tsu, the founder of the dynasty, came according to Huang's promise, and Ch'êng Tsung hastened to inform his ministers of it. This is the origin of Huang. He was born of a fraud, and came ready-made from the brain of an emperor. The Cask of Pearls

He is depicted wearing a necklace of skulls, the heads of the nine Chinese deputies sent in former centuries to find the Buddhist canon, but whom Sha Ho-shang had devoured on the banks of Liu-sha River when they had attempted to cross it. He is also known by the name of Sha Wu-ching, and was originally Grand Superintendent of the Manufactory of Stores for Huang's palace.