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After that he took his book and read some adventures called "Genesis" till breakfast-time. Then he went downstairs and kissed his father and mother. His father was smoking a cigar, and his mother had her new brooch on. Hoodoo's face was thoughtful, and a light seemed to have broken in upon his mind.

But he prayed. He prayed every night for weeks that Santa Claus would bring him a pair of skates and a puppy-dog and an air-gun and a bicycle and a Noah's ark and a sleigh and a drum altogether about a hundred and fifty dollars' worth of stuff. I went into Hoodoo's room quite early Christmas morning. I had an idea that the scene would be interesting.

They's no gettin' away from it, that's loco country you're bound for. The hoodoo's sure on it, from the first flip to the last call, judgin' from all you an' me has hearn tell about it." "It's all right, Shorty," replied Smoke. "I'll make the round trip and be back in Dawson in six weeks. The Yukon trail is packed, and the first hundred miles or so of the Stewart ought to be packed.

Then it blazed up in spurts and fired the bacon-grease, so that when I grabbed the skillet the handle sizzled the life all out of my callouses. I kicked the fire down to a nice bed of coals and then the coffee-pot upset and put it out. Ashes got into the bacon, and Oh! you know how joyful it is to cook on a green fire when you're dead tired and your hoodoo's on vicious.

They's no gettin' away from it, that's loco country you're bound for. The hoodoo's sure on it, from the first flip to the last call, judgin' from all you an' me has hearn tell about it." "It's all right, Shorty. I'll make the round trip and be back in Dawson in six weeks. The Yukon trail is packed, and the first hundred miles or so of the Stewart ought to be packed.

You git that idea of dyin' outen yer mind, and you'll git well." "I can't git well till de hoodoo's lifted. Aunt Kizzy 'lows " But the door was slammed before he could finish. The limit of Amanda's endurance was reached about Christmas-time.