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'Yes, sir; him do lecture we about all manner o' things flowers, and ferns, and insects kindness to hanimals hinstinct in dogs Lord knows what; but he have a way of makin' it all go down much better nor parson; and ha allus gets a good laugh out o' we. And when there's any on us ill, or out o' work, then Cheap Jack be a real good friend, and very ready with the brass.

"Oh, would he?" cried Rosemary, a bright colour flaming on her little soft cheeks. "Yes; and what's more," went on her hostess, warming to the subject, "you'd know 'im, the hinstant you clapped heyes on his fice, by 'eaven-sent hinstinct." "What's 'eaven-sent hinstinct?" demanded Rosemary. "The feelin' you 'ave in your 'eart for a father, wot's planted there by Providence," explained Jane.

"Oh, would he?" cried Rosemary, a bright colour flaming on her little soft cheeks. "Yes; and what's more," went on her hostess, warming to the subject, "you'd know 'im, the hinstant you clapped heyes on his fice, by 'eaven-sent hinstinct." "What's 'eaven-sent-hinstinct?" demanded Rosemary. "The feelin' you 'ave in your 'eart for a father, wot's planted there by Providence," explained Jane.

"Ah, well!" said the man, spitting dejectedly at a patch of shadow, "I thought as much; you aren't got the look of a buyer." "Then why ask me?" "Hinstinct!" said he, "it's jest hinstinct it comes as nat'ral to me as eatin', or walkin' these 'ere roads." "Have you come far to-day?" "Twenty mile, maybe," he answered, setting down his bundle of brooms. "Are you tired?" "'Course I'm tired."