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These are matters that must be decided by the authority of those who have made the provinces to which they belong a subject of special study: all we can do will be to test the value of the several authorities in passing. The right includes several of the older writers; among the moderns the most conspicuous figure is the Roman Catholic Bishop Hefele.

Of numerous recent poets, Lenau and Freiligrath are among the few best esteemed. German researches have been carried into every region of the past. In Egyptology, Lipsius, Bunsen, Brugsch, and Ebers are leading authorities. Neander, Gieseler, Baur, Doellinger, Hefele, Alzog, Harnack, Janssen, and Pastor are writers on ecclesiastical history.

Filicaja. Photius, i. 128, who quotes Avitus, 3rd letter, and Ennodius, and Gelasius, Ep. xiii. Photius, i. 126; Hefele, C.G., ii. 596. Jaffé, 371, 372; Mansi, vii. 1097; vii. 1100. Dum scilicet ad Apostolicam Sedem regulariter destinatur, per quam largiente Christo omnium solidatur dignitas sacerdotum.

See Baronius, A.D. 535, sec. 40; Hefele, ii. 736-8; Rump, ix. 174-6; Novell. xxxix. De Africana Ecclesia. Photius, i. 153-4: words of Hergenröther, who quotes eastern historians, who call him megaloprepesteros anaktôn tôn proterôn ... megalourgos kratôr. Mansi, viii. 846. Photius, i. 160-2; Rump, ix. 181. Photius, i. 163.

He continued to kneel and pray with uplifted face to God, the just Judge. Hus was next charged with saying, "that he was and would be a Fourth Person in the Trinity." Even the Roman Catholic Hefele admits the absolute falsehood of this infamous accusation.

Gaster, M. Two Thousand Years of a Charm Against the Child-stealing Witch. Folklore. Vol. XI, No. 2, June, 1900. For discussion of the dates of the Church Councils see Rev. Charles J. Hefele, Councils of the Church. Trans, fr. the German by C.W. Bush, 1883. Alice Kyteler.

Hefele, C.G., ii. 597-605, has most carefully considered the text and the date of the Council of 496. I have followed him in his choice of the text of the best manuscripts, and inasmuch as the biblical canon the same as that held in the African Church about 393 seems to have been confirmed by Pope Hormisdas somewhat later, I have not made use of it in this place. Epist. xviii.

Rescriptum episcoporum Dardaniæ ad Gelasium Papam. Ep. iv. ad Faustum; Mansi, viii. 17. Ep. xiii. Valde mirati sumus; Mansi, viii. 49. Mansi, viii. 30-5. Ne arrogantiam judices divinæ rationis officium. Quem cunctis sacerdotibus et Divinitas summa voluit præeminere, et subsequens Ecclesiæ generalis jugiter pietas celebravit. Photius, 134; Hefele, C.G., ii. 597.

Ad eam sua protinus scripta miserunt ut se docerent ejus esse consortes. Mansi, viii. 217. See Hefele, ii. 607 and 209. "Intuitu misericordiæ," says Anastasius. Hefele, ii. 216. Mansi, viii. 247-252; Hefele, ii. 623-5. Acts of the Synodus Palmaris. Mansi, viii. 247-251. Hefele, ii. 624. Mansi, viii. 293-5. Ep. xxxi. Migne, vol. lix, 248. Hefele, ii. 625-30; Röhrbacher, viii. 463.