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Carry her into the receiving room." "Who is she?" asked the patient, who had caused such a stir, and to whom no one seemed to be paying any attention in the excitement caused by Grace's swoon. The man had not caught a good look at the girl. "She is Grace Potter," replied Larry, glancing curiously at Mah Retto. "Grace Potter? Hamden Potter's daughter?" The man seemed greatly excited. "Yes.

"There's something queer in the wind, that's sure!" There was something more strange than Mr. Emberg suspected, and Larry's assignment was one destined to last for some time. Hamden Potter lived in one of the finest houses in New York. Larry had often admired it as he walked in the neighborhood of Central Park, in which vicinity many other New York millionaires have their residences.

Emberg knew he was right, and he was planning for a big disclosure when some of his reporters could find Hamden Potter. For a time the Sullivan matter was dropped, and Larry found his time busily occupied in a varied lot of assignments.

And you comprehend that I beg that the wedding may be celebrated at Bob's Fort. All join in crying, Long may your honour's honour reign over us in glory at Bob's Fort! Catty. Now 'tis all Love and no Law! A Dressing-Room in Bannow-Castle, in Ireland. Enter Sir WILLIAM HAMDEN, in his morning-gown.