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Updated: October 18, 2024
There was no resistance now, no words, no pleading for him to go; but in her eyes he saw the prayerful entreaty with which she had come to him on the Wekusko trail, and in the quivering red mouth the same torture and love and half-surrender that had burned themselves into his soul there.
The memory of the girl's sweet face, the look of half-surrender in her eyes, the knowledge that she loved him, and that she was lying but a few yards from him, made slumber impossible. At the moment she seemed altogether admirable, entirely worthy to be won.
Not since the night at the Hawkins' ball, when he had felt the touch of a beautiful woman's hands, the warmth of her breath, the soft sweep of her hair against his lips as he had leaned over her in his half-surrender, had thought of woman stirred him as he felt himself stirred now.
If he thought of this at all, he allowed no weakly sentiment to turn him from his purpose. There was too much at stake for that a throne, no less. And so, on the morning after that half-surrender of Elizabeth's, we find my lord closeted with his henchman, Sir Richard Verney.
Did you stand at the altar with it in your hand at the Coronation?" "Yes." "In passing through the country did you confess yourself in the Churches and receive the sacrament?" "Yes." "In the dress of a man?" "Yes. But I do not remember that I was in armor." It was almost a concession! almost a half-surrender of the permission granted her by the Church at Poitiers to dress as a man.
Douglass knew before he had set foot upon the pavement that his life was blasted, that his chance of success and Helen's love were gone, forfeited by his own egotism, his insane selfishness; but it was only a half-surrender; something very stark and unyielding rose within him, preventing his return to ask forgiveness.
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