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I hate him, and feel as if I should like to go and hit him across the face with my glove." "What for? Oh, I say, Drew, what a hot-headed fellow you are." "It isn't my head, Franky; it's my heart. It seems to burn when I see these insolent Dutch officers lording it here, and smiling in their half-contemptuous, half-insulting way at our English ladies. Ugh! I wonder your father doesn't stop it.

Every variety of half-insulting compliment was pouring upon her; but she, with head erect, and steady foot, still quietly moved on, taking no notice, till a hand was laid on her pitcher. "Let go!" then she said in no terrified voice. "Let go, Sir, or I can summon help." And as if to realize her words, the intrusive hand was thrust aside by a powerful arm, and a voice exclaimed

Inside there was a single-chair barber shop, with a barber who might also have come from some movie-casting office. He had the proper wavy black hair and rat-tailed comb stuck into a slightly dirty off-white jacket. He also had the half-obsequious, half-insulting manner Dave had found most people expected from their barbers.

And, ever smiling, never appearing to dream that he was in earnest or to suspect the rage that was gnawing his heart, she had her way. She smiled at his coarse and open grasping, smiled at his scarcely hidden anger, and smiled at the half-insulting consent he flung at her, as if it were all a jest.

She did not speak, but I saw the flaming of her eyes the haughtiness of her gesture. It was not tempered by the woman's half-insulting manner. "'I am come to make one last offer to Mademoiselle who will do well to accept it, always with the advice of her English friend, or whatever he may be, she added, smirking.