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Carried away by his own forceful emotion he hardly knew what he said, . . but an unspeakable, dizzy joy flooded his soul, as he caught the look she gave him! ... a wild, sweet, amazed, half- tender, half-agonized, wholly HUMAN look, suggestive of the most marvellous possibilities!

He met with no resistance, and half- happy, half-agonized, he pressed his lips upon its soft and dazzling whiteness, while the longing of his soul broke forth in words of fervid, irrepressible appeal. "Edris!" he implored.. "If thou dost love me give me my death!

And when she thought, as she had been thinking all day, of his long years of devotion how badly she had requited them it seemed that the least she could do was to tell him that he was now first in her life of all men that much she could say; and perhaps he had always been, she did not know; perhaps, now that the half-gods were gone, it was at last the coming of the the She was deeply agitated now; her voice was trembling; she faltered, and she turned suddenly, sharply, and with a little catch in her breath, her lips and eyes opening slowly her first consciousness, perhaps, a wonder at his strange silence and dazed by her own feeling and flushing painfully, she looked at him for the first time since she began to talk, and she saw him staring fixedly at her with a half-agonized look, as though he were speechlessly trying to stop her, his face white, bitter, shamed, helpless, Not a word more dropped from her lips not a sound.