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As we neared the garden gate I could have sworn we had stepped knee-deep in quicksand, for we could scarcely drag our feet against the prickling currents that clogged them. After five paces we stopped, wiping our foreheads, as hopelessly stuck on dry smooth turf as so many cows in a bog. 'Pest! cried Pirolo angrily. 'We are ground-circuited. And it is my own system of ground-circuits too!

By a hand-shake with their god I had ground-circuited their wire and got their monster battery's whole charge. He was tall and slender, indeed emaciated. He had a clean cut and conspicuously intellectual face, and a deep and kindly eye.

By a hand-shake with their god I had ground-circuited their wire and got their monster battery's whole charge. He was tall and slender, indeed emaciated. He had a clean cut and conspicuously intellectual face, and a deep and kindly eye.

And then Bluthner he had to sit up all night in charge of the circuits because he couldn't trust his men to keep 'em shut. 'It was trying 'em too high, the Chief of Police broke in. 'But we couldn't hold the Crowd ground-circuited for ever. I gathered in all the Serviles on charge of Crowd-making, and put 'em in the water-tower, and then I let things cut loose. I had to!

'Tell you later. As I was saying, our Serviles held the meeting, and pretty soon we had to ground-circuit the platform to save 'em from being killed. And that didn't make our people any more pacific. 'How d'you mean? I ventured to ask. 'If you've ever been ground-circuited, said the Mayor, 'you'll know it don't improve any man's temper to be held up straining against nothing. No, sir!