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"Here you will find no guttling or gormandising, no turtle or nightingales' tongues," said the extravagant, whose name, by the way, was Dalmahoy. "The device, sir, of the University of Cramond is Plain Living and High Drinking."

He was ravenously hungry, it is true, but it was patent to his perception at a glance that no powers of gormandising of which he was capable could enable him to consume the mass in the course of one day.

The glamour of the West Indies Captain Marryat and Michael Scott Deadly climate of the islands in the eighteenth century The West Indian planters Difference between East and West Indies "Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die" Training-school for British Navy A fruitless voyage Quarantine Distant view of Barbados Father Labat The last of the Emperors of Byzantium Delightful little Lady Nugent and her diary of 1802 Her impressions of Jamaica Wealthy planters Their hideous gormandising A simple morning meal An aldermanic dinner How the little Nugents were gorged Haiti Attempts of General Le Clerc to secure British intervention in Haiti Presents to Lady Nugent Her Paris dresses described Our arrival in Jamaica Its marvellous beauty The bewildered Guardsman Little trace of Spain left in Jamaica The Spaniards as builders British and Spanish Colonial methods contrasted.

Charles really grew so indignant, that, in spite of his newly-acquired politeness, Anne, who knew his countenance, was quite glad when she saw him safe out of hearing. "The old glutton!" he said; "I should like to put him on a diet of buckwheat and sawdust like his poor peasants for a week, and then see whether he would go on gormandising, with his wars and his buildings, starving his poor.