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You just make me laugh all the time. But it's mean, now, that you are so dumb to forget and have to go back. I thought I'd have nice company all the ways in, but mebbe I'll see you in Greenwald." "Mebbe. Goo'bye," said the boy and turned to the hill again. Phœbe stood a moment and looked after him. "My," she said to herself, "but David Eby is a vonderful nice boy!"

That reminded him of the deceased Sam, and he turned again to the monument. "Goo'bye, Sam," he cried suddenly, under the impression that he had been to a funeral. "I've paid me respecks to an ol' fren', an' now we'll both sleep in peace." "Come away and leave him," whispered Clara, trembling with disgust and mortification. "No fear!" said Jonah.

Like a flash the Chinaman slid to his knees and extending his hands above his head touched his forehead to the ground three times in front of Peggy. Then rising he exclaimed: "Melican girl, gleat joss, mighty joss. Ah Sing he come bymby. Goo'bye." He turned swiftly and silently in his silken slippers and glided off without a backward look. "Well, what do you make of that?" wondered Roy.

'Goo'bye, interrupted Mosk, and throwing himself on his bed, he turned his face to the wall. Not another word of confession or repentance could Gabriel get him to speak. Nevertheless, the clergyman knelt down on the chill stones and implored God's pardon for this stubborn sinner, whose heart was hardened against the divine grace.