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And lastly, Countess Lowenthal, the wife of the Austrian military plenipotentiary, gave a great matinee, at which Mme. Viardot sang various items from Tannhauser, for which she received five hundred francs. By some singular coincidence people managed to confound my fate with that of a certain M. de la Vaquerie, who had also made a dismal failure with a drama, Les Funerailles de l'Honeur.

Mon oncle Aumale est bien touche de l'intention que vous exprimez de venir vous associer a sa douleur le jour des funerailles de ma tante. Elles son fixees a vendredi prochain. La premiere ceremonie aura lieu a Orleans House a 9-1/2h du matin, apres quoi nous conduirons le corps a Weybridge, pour le deposer dans le caveau de famille.

"La Vendee," "Les Vierges de Verdun," "Quiberon," "Louis XVII," "Le Retablissement de la Statue de Henri IV.," "La Mort du due de Berry," "La Naissance du duc de Bordeaux," "Les Funerailles de Louis XVIII.," "Le Sacre de Charles X.," are true royalist songs.

The indignation of the constitutional party burst forth in ironical strophes in a hymn of André Chénier, in which that young poet avenged the laws, and marked himself out for the scaffold. "Salut divin triomphe! Entre dans nos murailles! Rends nous ces soldats, illustrés Par le sang de Désilles et par les funérailles De nos citoyens massacrés!"

The "Premières Funérailles" is a superb work "the chef-d'oeuvre of our modern sculpture," a French critic enthusiastically terms it. It is hardly that; it has hardly enough spiritual distinction not quite enough of either elegance or elevation to merit such sweeping praise. But it may be justly termed, I think, the most completely representative of the masterpieces of that sculpture.