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My fellow-mids were very enthusiastic in their expressions of admiration for what they were pleased to term "the pluck with which I had tackled the skipper;" and equally profuse in the expression of their hopes and belief of a successful issue of the adventure.

"Land!" murmured little Fisher who from his diminutive stature had acquired from his fellow-mids the sobriquet of "Six-foot" "Land! it's nothing but `land ho! What land is it, for gracious sake?" to Mr Carter, the master's-mate, who happened to be standing near him. "The Rocca Islands," answered Carter.

In this dashing little brig, I Ralph Chester held the exalted and responsible post of midshipman; my appointment, on the morning in question, being exactly one week old. I had only joined the ship, however, three days before, and in the interval had been made the victim of almost every practical joke which the ingenuity of my fellow-mids could devise.

The men treated me with real respect, instead of the good-humoured burlesque thereof which they had accorded me hitherto; and my fellow-mids at once received me into the berth upon a footing of perfect equality with themselves, each one striving to do me some little kindness or show me some little attention, in place of playing off disagreeable practical jokes upon me.