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Out of bed, her feet hastily into slippers and fumbling into her kimono so that the flow of her hair went down inside it, Lilly approached Mrs. Neugass, her gesture toward her and entreating. "Mrs. Neugass, you're horribly wrong in what you suspect. You must listen to me " "You can exblain nothing to me except to get your clothes packed. How it goes to show you never can tell beoble from looks.

'This, ladies and gentlemen, the rascal was declaiming like a man inspired, 'is that ancient riffer, the riffer Kishon. It was here that the great Brophet Elijah bring the Brophets of Baal after he catch them with that dirty trick which I exblain to you about the sacrifice ub there upon that mountain what you see behind you.

I wish to have nothing to do with him; I shall do my best to forget that I have known him, or that such a man exists. All the members of his family and my own share the wish, sir, so do all the persons who once did the said Pons the honor of receiving him." "Boot, mennseir, you are a reasonaple mann; gif you vill bermit me, I shall exblain die affair "

Now, some of our folks hold that the whull time ought to be counted that which was rent free, and that which was not in a way that I'll explain to you; for I'd have you to know I haven't entered into this business without looking to the right and the wrong on't." "Exblain, exblain; I might hear you exblain, and you most exblain."

I wish to have nothing to do with him; I shall do my best to forget that I have known him, or that such a man exists. All the members of his family and my own share the wish, sir, so do all the persons who once did the said Pons the honor of receiving him." "Boot, mennseir, you are a reasonaple mann; gif you vill bermit me, I shall exblain die affair "