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She 'fraid for ever'ting, but most I tink, she 'fraid for you, señor." Miss Norvell hastily laid her hand upon the girl's sleeve in remonstrance, her face showing grave in the dim light. "No, no, Mercedes; you must not say too much, or Mr. Winston will think us both very foolish." "Eet vas not foolish for us to vant to know, vas eet, señor?" "Assuredly not."

"I am French you see temperamental nervous! I cannot endure thees dull hours in thees ranch house; but a woman comes! Ah!" The shoulders gave nine 'rahs and a tiger. "What a difference! All is light and gay; ever'ting smile w'en you smile. You have 'eart, beauty, grace. My 'eart comes back to me w'en I feel your 'eart. So!" He laid his hand upon his vest pocket.

They let me join their scout troop, so I got to know 'em. One feller's name is Van Arlen. His father was born in Holland. They got two automobiles and a lot of servants and things. But anyway my father was born in the United States that's one thing." "Ah," said Frenchy, enthusiastically, "zat is ever'ting! You are fine boy."

He axe what you de cap'n of," Bob went on, aiming at two birds with one stone now, "an' I say you de cap'n of ever'body an' ever'ting dat come 'long dat's what I say-an' he be cap'n of you wid all yo' unyform and sich, I say, if you jest come out to de fahm yes, mon, dat he will sho." The boy laughed and Bob reiterated: "Oh, I'se gwine I'se gwine wid you " Then he stopped short.

"Vell, now, I yoost pet finfty tawllars tat iss Mississ Reisen sendts for you tat I'm sick! Ven udt iss not such a dting!" He laughed immoderately. "Ovver I'm gladt you come, Toctor, ennahow, for you pin yoost in time to see ever'ting runnin'. I vish you yoost come undt see udt!" He grinned in his old, broad way; but his face was anxious, and his bared arms were lean.