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"He wants the evening-paper. So Bruno's going to be a little news-boy!" "Mind you charge a good price for it!" I called after them. Returning up the platform, I came upon Sylvie alone. "Well, child," I said, "where's your little news-boy? Couldn't he get you an evening-paper?"

Graham and I were talking over the matter, and I pledge you my word of honour, his opinion coincides with mine; and that What-d'ye-call-um is the only measure Government will venture on trying. By evening-paper time he is at the Club: 'I can tell you the opinion of the City, my lord, says he, 'and the way in which Jones Loyd looks at it is briefly this: Rothschilds told me so themselves.

Wherever he should find Barnes, Thomas Newcome was determined to tell him his mind. Should they meet on the steps of a church, on the flags of 'Change, or in the newspaper-room at Bays's, at evening-paper time, when men most do congregate, Thomas the Colonel was determined upon exposing and chastising his father's grandson.

I've made a big blot right in the middle of 'darling, and spoiled a perfectly good sheet of paper!... You'd better mail it at once, though, because the evening-paper may have something in it about her lecture." Rudolph " "Why er yes, dear?" This was after supper, and Patricia was playing solitaire. Her husband was reading the paper. "Agatha told me all about Virginia, you know "

So they planned, and it seemed a small and unimportant thing to them that as they clattered the governments of half the world and more were drifting into war. About midday they became aware of the first of the evening-paper placards shouting to them across the street: Nothing else but that. "Always rottin' about war now," said Bert.

"Oh, I supposed you evening-paper gents went to bed with the hens. What has kept you up, esteemed contemporary?" He went on working over some despatches which lay upon his table. "Don't you want to come out and have some oysters?" asked Bartley. "Why this princely hospitality?

He did so and was hanging up the receiver, when he heard a moan behind him. Clarisse was standing by the table, reading an evening-paper. She put her hand to her heart, staggered and fell. "Achille, Achille!" cried Lupin, calling his man. "Help me put her on my bed... And then go to the cupboard and get me the medicine-bottle marked number four, the bottle with the sleeping-draught."