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"Serum Disease" and Anaphylaxis. It is to be borne in mind that some patients exhibit a supersensitiveness with regard to protective sera, an injection being followed in a few days by the appearance of an urticarial or erythematous rash, pain and swelling of the joints, and a variable degree of fever.

Pain, however, is not constant. There may be an erythematous eruption accompanying the swelling. The furrow increases laterally and in depth, and meets on the dorsal aspect of the toe, giving the toe the appearance of being constricted by a piece of fine cord.

After a debauch this patient experienced violent pain in the left cheek below the zygomatic arch; this soon extended under the chin, and the submaxillary glands enlarged and became painful; the face swelled and became erythematous, and the patient experienced nausea and slight chills.

The tongue is dry and coated, the lips and teeth are covered with sordes, the motions are loose and offensive, and may be passed involuntarily. The temperature is remittent and irregular, the pulse small and rapid, and the urine may contain blood and albumen. Sometimes the skin shows erythematous and purpuric rashes, and the patient may cry out as in meningitis.

Bonet mentions death after the inunction of a mercurial ointment, and instances of distressing salivation from such medication are quite common. There are various dermal affections which sometimes follow the exhibition of mercury and assume an erythematous type.

Bazin has reported a case in which erythematous pustules appeared after the exhibition during fifteen days of the 5/6 gr. of arsenic. Macnal speaks of an eruption similar to that of measles in a patient to whom he had given but three drops of Fowler's solution for the short period of three days.