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He was for some seconds occupied with the problem of regaining his poise, and it was not until he heard an Englishwoman's voice uplifted in accents of anger, that he remembered the other wayfarer with whom he was to share his tonga, or associated the white-clad figure in the dark doorway of the bungalow with anything but the khansamah, coming to greet and cheat the chance-brought guest.

It is only when these have placed themselves beyond the pale of masculine respect that such things could be written as are written now; when they become again what they were once they will gather round them the love and homage and chivalrous devotion which were then an Englishwoman's natural inheritance.

"But she will see you, Miss Wrandall if you don't mind waiting. It is a business conference they're having." An ironic gleam appeared in the corner of Vivian's eye. "Oh," she said, and waited. Hetty smiled uncertainly. All at once the tall American girl was impressed by the wistful, almost humble look in the Englishwoman's eyes, an appealing look that caused her to wonder not a little.

She had the true Englishwoman's feeling when among foreigners that they were all there as puppets for her entertainment. "Look, Hector," she said they were cousins "did you ever see such a lovely woman as that one over there among the large party, in the black chiffon dress?" Then Hector committed a bêtise. "Where?" said he, his eyes persistently fixed in another direction.