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This endeavor was made according to Düntzer, during Kaufmann’s residence in Strassburg, which the investigator assigns to the years 1774-75. Leuchsenring, the eccentric sentimentalist, who for a time belonged to the Darmstadt circle and whom Goethe satirized inPater Brey,” cherished also for a time the idea of founding an order ofEmpfindsamkeit.”

I am afraid of a relapse into that violent madness leave him to me." Mr. Keller left the room with the overseer. Doctor Dormann returned to the cell. "Listen to me, Jack," he said. He turned, and spoke to Duntzer. "Is the alarm-bell set?" "Yes, sir." The doctor addressed himself once more to Jack. "Now look, and listen!" he said.

Before the doctor could answer, footsteps were heard in the Watchman's Chamber. A jolly voice asked a question. "Any report for the night, Duntzer?" Jack seemed to recognize the voice. He looked round eagerly. "A corpse in Number Five," Duntzer answered. "And strangers in the cell. Contrary to the order for the night, as you know. I have reported them; it's your duty to send them away.

First slightly altering the position of the couch on the stand, Duntzer lifted the dead hands fitted the ten brass thimbles to the fingers and the thumbs and gently laid the hands back on the breast of the corpse. When he had looked up, and had satisfied himself of the exact connection between the hands and the line communicating with the alarm-bell outside, his duty was done.

This condition being complied with, he addressed himself to the watchman. "The cells are all empty to-night, Duntzer, are they not?" "Yes, sir." "Are you off duty, early or late this evening?" "I am off duty in half an hour, sir." The overseer pointed to the couch. "You can attend to this," he said. "Take the cell that is the nearest to you, where the watchman's chair is placed Number Five."

[Footnote 47: “Herder’s Briefwechsel mit seiner Braut, April, 1771, to April, 1773,” edited by Düntzer and F.

There were other efforts to make Yorick’s example an efficient power of beneficent brotherliness. Kaufmann attempted to found a Lorenzo order of the horn snuff-box. Düntzer, in his study of Kaufmann, states that this was only an effort on Kaufmann’s part to embrace a timely opportunity to make himself prominent.

The hot bath, in another room, is always ready; and a cabinet, filled with restorative applications, is close by. Now look at the watchman, and mark the care that is taken in the event, for instance, of a cataleptic trance, and of a revival following it." Duntzer led the way into the cell.

This work contained the story of the Graf von Gleichen, which is acknowledged to have been a precursor of Goethe’sStella.” Düntzer in hisErläuterungen zu den deutschen Klassikernsays it is impossible to determine whence Goethe took the story forStella.” He mentions that it was contained in Bayle’s Dictionary, which is known to have been in Goethe’s father’s library, and two other books, both dating from the sixteenth century, are noted as possible sources.